Enjoy the magical experience of whale watching with Yalingbila Whale Tours who now departing regularly from South Bank Parklands.

Yalingbila Whale Tours, owned and operated by the Quandamooka people, offer guests a day cruise with local Aboriginal guides sharing cultural knowledge about yalingbila (whales) and the spiritual connection they share with the Quandamooka People.

When I was invited to enjoy a day trip with Yalingbila Tours to see the whales, I was very excited as I have never been whale watching before and impressed that the boat departed from South Bank, a convenient location for many Brisbane residents and visitors.

Our day trip was a dream, with perfect weather (after days of rain showers) we were able to enjoy the stunning scenery on our way out to Stradbroke Island and ultimately enjoy watching the magnificent whales swimming in the ocean with their young. What a unique experience on our doorstep, Brisbane really is the lucky city.

 Our Aboriginal cruise guides Our Aboriginal cruise guides

Yalingbila Whale tours depart 4 days a week from the 11th of July from South Bank on Saturday and Sundays and from Raby Bay in Cleveland or Dunwich on Thursday and Fridays.

Yalingbila Whale Tours

Where – Depart from South Bank and other locations

When – July to October

Website – www.yalingbilawhaletours.com.au