Celebrate the arrival of crisp, cool Brisbane Autumn days at Stokehouse Q with their sensational new cocktail and bar menu inspired by the change of season.

Berry Cobbler
Stokebar cocktails change seasonanlly and are based on the best produce available, the Autumn cocktail range is designed to match Brisbane’s subtropical climate whilst capturing the colours and flavours of the season.

When Life Gives you Lemons, sitting pretty with watermelon foam

Green Tea Breeze
The perfect accompaniement to your Autumn cocktail is a delicious Stokehouse Q bar platter, select a few and share with friends, choose from Pulled pork tortillas and grilled chicken tenderlions and plum chutney or Pickled South Australian mussels with lime and chillli and Char grilled squid with green mango, coconut and puffed rice.
Fresh fig and wattle see mascarpone salad, sauteed peppers with toasted almond puree.
Parmesan sticks, horseradish, kimchi salt and the best chips in Brisbane seasoned with chilli, salt and aioli.
Kiss Summer goodbye with a cocktail or two accopanied by a delicious share platter from Stoke Bar at Stokehouse Brisbane.

Tequila Bramble and Wood-Fired Old Fashioned
Which cocktail would you like to taste?
Stoke Bar at Stokehouse Brisbane
Where – Sidon Street, South Bank Parklands
Hours – Mon – Thur: Midday – Late AND Fri – Sun: 11am – Late
Contact – 07 3020 0600
Website – www.stokehouseq.com.au