Only 7 sleeps till Christmas, join me each morning on my Instagram account (click here @Lady_Brisbane) as I countdown to ‘Bris-mas’.
‘Bris-mas’ is a word I created to mean Brisbane at Christmas time.
Kicking off my 7 day Bris-mas countdown at King George Square, the heart of Brisbane, with our 22 metre tall Christmas tree decorated with 1.5km of lights, red ribbons, gold stars, striped candy canes and a solar powered star.

King George Square
Monday morning brings 6 days till Bris-mas and today’s photo shows that the Queen Street Mall is full of Christmas cheer. There are 6 larger than life Christmas decorations in the Mall. How many have you seen?

Queen Street Mall.
Tuesday means just 5 days till Bris-mas and Brisbane’s iconic Story Bridge Hotel, which opened in 1886, has decorated her verandas for the festive season. While pretty by day, the hotel looks stunning at night.

Story Bridge Hotel
Hump Day Wednesday and now 4 days till Bris-mas. Pottery Barn Brisbane (located with the James Street Precint, Fortitude Valley) know how to decorate a Christmas tree or 4. This is my favourite from my visit to their store.

Pottery Barn, Brisbane
Only 3 days till Bris-mas and the Queen Street Mall steam train decoration reminds us that Christmas is upon us. Have you discovered the 6 large, brightly coloured Christmas decorations?

Queen Street Mall
Two days till Bris-mas and wondering have you stopped by The Myer Centre, to see the Australian themed, Christmas windows in the Queen Street Mall? This years windows are based on the new children’s book ‘One Christmas Eve’ by Corinne Fenton. You can read more about the windows here The Myer Centre

The Myer Centre
Christmas Eve has arrived. While there are Christmas decorations galore throughout Brisbane city it’s wonderful to see the beauty of Mother Nature during the festive season as displayed at Roma Street Parkland.

Roma Street Parkland
Merry Christmas Brisbane. Wishing you all a wonderful day filled with love, fun and happiness. Enjoy.