by Anna McGhie | Dec 31, 2017 | Events
On this the last day of 2017 I wanted to wish you all a very happy, healthy and safe 2018 and also take this opportunity to thank you for your social media love during the year.Wow! What an incredible year it has been for Lady Brisbane. I have been invited to some of...
by Anna McGhie | Dec 26, 2017 | Sights
The last few years it has been popular on Instagram to see what were your top 9 photos for the year. I joined in on the fun and the below are my most popular photos for 2017. I was very surprised, when I entered my details into the program that creates your Top 9...
by Anna McGhie | Sep 5, 2017 | Sights
September 1 officially marks the first day of Spring in Australia and traditionally Spring in Brisbane is when the beautiful purple flowers of the Jacaranda tree begin to decorate Brisbane streets.When I was recently on a walk along the Brisbane River at Kangaroo...
by Anna McGhie | Aug 14, 2017 | Events
Tomorrow is Brisbane’s Ekka public holiday and for most of us that means a day off work. If you aren’t interested in going to the Ekka this year here are my suggestions for how to spend the Ekka public holiday. Enjoy Winterfest at RiverlifeRiverlife...
by Anna McGhie | Jul 3, 2017 | Sights
Brisbane is currently blooming with the magnificent Orange Trumpet Creeper and I have discovered a beautiful hideaway decorated with these spectacular orange flowers.Native to South America this glorious creeper flowers in Brisbane from winter to spring but where in...